Tuesday, February 27, 2007


9:46 PM

the world's greatest waste of time: facebook
its fun
i've seen the faces of people i haven't seen in ages..(some in years)
i was finally bullied into signing up
its been 2 days, and i've played too much

that's all

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Saturday, February 10, 2007


8:50 AM

this just in: i'm coming home in march!! ok, i am probably jinxing it by writing about it, but to be honest, i just don't give a shit. because my tickets are reserved and its a plan and i am very very happy.

getting to this point though has been a bit of a mission. starting with the refusal of the board of education to let me go. i had requested unpaid leave, which seemed pretty fair to me, especially since i will be leaving during spring break, a period when there are no classes and nothing to do at school. last spring break, for instance, i spent babysitting my co-worker's adorable five year old all day at school. for over a week. happy, happy, joy, joy.

so.. yeah. i'm very excited and generally quite joyous at the prospect of seeing my dear mother, sister, friends, shops, streets, bed, house, car, the works.

but how did i finally get permission, you ask? (well, truth be told, i haven't officially received permission yet but i think that i will. and if i don't, then i am coming anyways. they can fire me if they want.) well, i played the health card, which apparently is the only card that does anything for anyone around here. they treat you like a bit of an invalid, but its worth it. and the truth is, i have been wanting to get home to see an endocrinologist as i haven't been feeling 100% myself lately and am guessing that my thyroid has something to do with it. that's the thing about medicine, once you start studying it, you become obsessed and slightly paranoid and you associate symptoms for the most obscure illnesses to how you were feeling that morning. very dangerous. but i digress. after explaining this situation (that i wished to return home to see my specialists) to the big people, they once again refused. i wanted to cry and scream in anger all at once. i felt entirely helpless, and it gave me even more resolve to get out of here.

so, i went to the hospital, armed with my doctor's notes, prescriptions, and a stack of books: medical journals, two thyroid manuals, a drug-herb interaction source book, and of course, my trusty romaji dictionary. i was determined to get a doctor's note. the doctor was wonderful: young, very handsome, and didn't speak a work of english. it was perfect.

an hour later, i emerged, albeit slightly red and sweaty (partly due to stress, partly due to sitting in front of and having to explain my situation to this stud), but i did have a precious note in hand. hallelujah! it was a glorious moment, and a moment that i really liked myself and was proud at my determination. don't want to be big-headed about it, but i am seriously amazed sometimes at my capacity of getting things done, and so easily and painlessly. its as if i don't think it will happen, so when it does, i'm the happiest kid on earth. so, to anyone who has something weighing them down, get started. and good luck.

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