Tuesday, August 16, 2005


12:11 PM


been having loads of fun since i last wrote... so.. what has happened? on saturday it was my bday and the people here threw me a surprise brunch at a very fancy hotel on the waterfront here in miyako. it was funny because i was tricked into the idea that we were going to the beach and i was wondering why everyone was so nicely dressed whilst i was super-duuuuper casual. regardless it was lovely and everyone gave me gifts too! i was such a spoiled girl on saturday.

apres le brunch nous sommes alles faire le tour de l`ile au complet, c`est tellement magnifique et j`ai encore de la misere a croire que j`habite ici.. La ville de Hirara ou je demeure est moins magnifique mais garde un certain je ne sais quoi.. un petit charme peut-etre?tout est en beton et a cause de la temperature, on a l`impression que tout est en train de tranquillement se deteriorer.

thursday morning i am going to the main okinawan island for a business trip to sign my contract and attend a seminar about teaching english. then my canadian friend JACKIE is going to come and meet me and we are coming back to miyako together!!! before that we are going to go camping for the week-end on a tiny little island names tokushiki, and then jackie will be staying with me for a whole 2 weeks, i am so so so excited and happy about that! it will be so nice to have a piece of home here with me and also to discover the island together..

il y a trop de choses a dire, il faudra d`ailleurs que je decrive mon hello-kitty mobile un de ces jours..

mais pour maintenant je vous embrasse tous et a bientot! j`aurais l`internet a la maison des lundi prochain, ce qui facilitera toute communication. / next monday = internet at home! yippee! that will make all communications that much easier.

until then take care!

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