Thursday, September 01, 2005
3:08 PM
so.. here i sit in the empty teacher`s room of norin senior highschool. why empty, you may ask? well, its most likely because this is an agricultural school and the teachers are all out in the fields with the kids! either that or something is happening that i am completely unaware of. there are, after all, 50 teachers who sit in this room so...
in the latest, monday was my first official day at Irabuh senior highschool, and today my first official day here at norin. first official days involve a few things: formal dress, 2 speaches, one in front of the teachers in the morning meeting in japanese (gulp) and the other in front of the entire school in english and japanese (triple gulp) both went ok though, so no worries. on monday i also had to teach my first class which went ok, but the kids weren`t that into it.. gotta love those teens. again, no worries.. next time i will simply have to bring my whip and everything should run smoothly. :-)
My school schedule is as follows: monday, wednesday and friday: irabuh (on a seperate island called irabuh!) tuesday, a mechanical school called kogyo, and thursday, the agricultural school of norin where i now sit.
alors voila un resume de ce qui se passe ici. samedi matin a 6 heures jackie prend le bateau pour taiwan et ensuite l`avion a partir de taiwan pour le vietnam. quelle enorme tristesse pour moi. cela fait maintenant 2 semaines que nous vivons ensemble et ca fait tellement du bien l`avoir a mon cote en tous temps! specialement cette semaine avec l`angoisse associee au debut des cours. en meme temps, j`ai hate de lire de son aventure imminente!!
j`espere que tout le monde va bien a la maison et partout je vous embrasse j
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