Monday, August 28, 2006

you know you're back in Okinawa, Japan when...

3:45 PM

- its so fucking hot you think you are going to pass out at any moment
- you blast your AC, and turn it on and off about ten times during the night
- airport staff help you wheel your luggage to the people waiting to pick you up
- airport staff lift your ridiculously heavy luggage onto the conveyor belts
- flight attendants put your carry-on luggage away for you, adjust your seat into its upright position for you and replace your table for you. talk about service.
- flight attendants give you their pen to keep
- your sink is soooo low you get a backache from just washing your face
- after driving your mother's good car, your own car's breaks feel like they don't work- back to driving a jalopy makes you realize how shitty it is
- you get confused when you turn corners about which lane you are meant to be in
- you take a boat to work
- you are already sweating as you get out of the shower
- you are back to taking three showers a day
- kids point
- people stare
- people wonder what you are doing at the bank.. hmm... i wonder!?

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