Monday, March 19, 2007
8:54 AM
i like it, and i like the idea of it for my upcoming trip to canada. upcoming = the day after tomorrow.... ahhhh!!!! so exciting!
Leo: Here are the blessings I wish for you in the coming week: (1) not a sudden evacuation from a pitch-dark tunnel into a blinding light, but rather a gradual transition from the frigid blackness to cool grayness to warm brightness; (2) not an eruption out of a claustrophobic squeeze into the middle of nowhere, but rather a natural evolution from an interesting limitation to an expansive possibility; (3) not a stressful rocket launch from the bottomless abyss to a scary peak, but rather an exhilarating joyride from the lower depths to the ringing heights.
(From Free Will Astrology)
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
2:57 PM
i realize that among my three readers, probably half (yes, 1.5), don't speak french. so for fun i entered my previous post through babelfish. the result:
since the primary education, when I read the books of the splendid countess of ségur, I adore this expression. it is besides a very relevant expression in this moment yesterday, it was the storm at home: thunder, clouds, flashes... and there, which 24 hours later, the sun strikes and I am smiling! that always made good face our problems and try to solve them in a communicative way my colleague came to excuse near me second once, which was completely suitable being given the very loose way in which it had behaved the first time. as for me, I decided to less take this job with the serious one. that is not worth simply the sorrow to break me the head. I will continue with performer at 110% in class, for the benefit of my pupils, who are expensive to me but beyond that, it is finished! and that made good of saying enormously, and writing that. in this moment I am in a hurry too to return four dodos! xjx
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2:38 PM
depuis le primaire, lorsque je lisais les livres de la magnifique comtesse de ségur, j'adore cette expression. c'est d'ailleurs une expression très pertinente en ce moment. hier, c'était la tempête chez moi: tonnerre, nuages, éclairs... et là, que 24 heures plus tard, le soleil frappe et je suis souriante! ça fait toujours du bien de faire face à nos problèmes et d'essayer de les résoudre de façon communicative. mon collègue est venu s'excuser auprès de moi une deuxième fois, ce qui fût tout à fait approprié étant donné la façon très lâche dont il s'était comporté la première fois.
quant à moi, je me suis décidée de prendre ce boulot moins au sérieux. ça ne vaut simplement pas la peine de me casser la tête. je vais continuer à performer à 110% en classe, pour le bénéfice de mes élèves, qui me sont chers. mais au-delà de cela, c'est fini! et ça fait énormément de bien de dire, et d'écrire ça.
en ce moment j'ai trop hâte de rentrer. quatre dodos! xjx
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Friday, March 16, 2007
11:23 AM
on my way back from class, i asked him about the whole thing. and this is where i switch to french. bon. premièrement, c'est un con- mais ça, on le savait déjà. honnêtement, je l'haïs un peu. je sais bien que c'est fort, mais c'est vrai. il n'a aucune idée de comment traiter les autres. c'est vraiment triste. lorsque j'ai abordé le sujet, il a joué sa carte d'innocent, qui ne voulais pas me faire de la peine, etc. etc. il a mis le blâme sur les autres, et il ne m'a pas offert de bonne solution. tout a finit avec moi disant 'bon, ben de toute façon, je termine ce boulot bientôt donc..'. il m'a répondu, 'ne dis pas ça.' Ma réponse? 'eh bien c'est la vérité, puis c'est comment je me sens.' (dans ma tête, c'était beaucoup plus fort, laid, et méchant. mais ça, je le garde dans ma tête).
merci de lire tout ça. je sais que ce n'est pas la chose la plus intéressante du monde. mais parfois, il faut laisser sortir ses sentiments. autrement, ils peuvent devenir paralisants. à partir de maintenant, je met toute cette histoire derrière moi. c'est fini, terminé. je ne veux plus y penser, et je vais continuer mon travail du mieux que je peux, sans laissé toute cette merde me rendre triste. bon... gomme à effacer, où es-tu?
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9:33 AM
there are a few things to be happy about! 1. i can for some reason blog at work suddenly.. funfun! 2. i go home in five days.. and its going to be hot. 3. i have some wonderful supportive people in my life here, that makes up for the job ten-fold 4. i am reading and learning 5. and to end with the most obvious- its friday. yatta!
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9:21 AM
makes me nuts sometimes. in particular, when i am being outrightly taken advantage of, used, and basically given an air kick in the rear end. in a nutshell, there was an english haiku poetry contest throughout japanese high schools. kids were asked to write a haiku prose in japanese, then translate it into english to be then submitted to a board of judges. my co-worker, let's call him Toe, asked me to help him out. i obviously obliged and took on the challenge wholeheartedly.
basically, i worked for a month correcting, translating, and fixing up a few hundred poems. when they were submitted, i felt confident we would have some winners, as there were some quality pieces in there. sure enough, out of the whole country of japan, there were 11 winners. THREE of them were from this school. let me remind you, that this school is the smallest school in the prefecture, and one of the smallest schools in japan. as well, it is very far from being academic and would be considered low-level.
so.... flash forward to monday. i'm sitting at my desk typing away at this little gem that i type on right now. i sense commotion in the hallways, step outside, and find a TV camera, three reporters, the three winners, Toe, the vice-principal and the principal sitting in a room doing an interview. speeches, awards, flashes, video.. the works. i am confused, slightly dumbfounded. why hasn't anyone told me about this? what is going on here? Toe comes in afterwards and apologizes, saying that the vice-principal didn't want me there. he also neglected to tell me that he won teacher of the year or some bullshit, has been published in five newspapers throughout japan, and won an electronic dictionary and airplane vouchers. and i hate to say it and toot my own horn, but the truth of the matter is that none of this would even exist had i not put my poetic brain to work. so its fucked. and i hate this job more than ever now. i do not like being taken advantage of in this way. and i have a funny feeling that the fact that i am female, and white, has something to do with it. as samantha in sex and the city once said: "shit, motherfucker, fuck, shit." sorry. that was dirty. but it felt good.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
7:55 PM
i think i may have found mine... at school. but let me begin by saying that i think i am a bad teacher. i'm moody, i cheat, and i pick favorites. none of these traits are desirable in an educator. thankfully i keep them relatively well hidden, but still.
so on to the type and typing. i have always been one to say that i didn't have a type, and that, in fact, i thought typing to be limiting and basically a flawed concept. of course, i never argued being someone that i liked's 'type', but i prided myself as not having one myself. as such, i have ended up with a variety of different people. ok.. that sounds bad. not that many, but very different individuals. no one can be compared, for example, to my skinhead tattoo-covered japanese dude who listens to punk, techno and trans (eek), and generally looks pretty scary. but i digress. what i am getting at actually involved the classroom. i mentioned just now that i pick favorites. as in, there are certain kids in my classes that i am drawn to during class time. when i have my students complete a worksheet, for example, and i roam the class checking on their progress, i find myself often haunched over a particular type of kid (aside from those that actually need help, of course. i'm not that horrible). in a nutshell, they are all the 'bad' kids, the loud ones, which in english, is a good thing. and, despite them being 'bad' and 'funny' and 'cool', they all have really sensitive, sweet hearts underneath it all. i just love talking to these kids. its way fun, even more so than class itself. so my deduction is that this (not that all three of my loyal readers even care), is my type. or at least, its the type i am drawn to. and let's be clear- its not just about love relationships, its about them all. so here's to meeting new crazy, loudmouthed people, with supersoft centers.
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Friday, March 02, 2007
10:51 PM
starting with the quote, said my my co-worker kazumi today over green tea and rice cakes: "We're [the education system] are making Japanese kids stupid." beautiful, and so spot on. the passing grade in high school is 35%. i mean, come on. that's just lazy. seriously.
as for the tears, it was high school graduation yesterday. nice ceremony, lots of awards, speeches, slide shows, official bits and pieces, and of course, lots of tears. i've been here for almost two years, and still things amaze me. although i don't remember the specifics of my own high school graduation, i do remember feeling rather elated knowing high school was over, and i could finally start studying what i wanted to, and not wear a lame uniform. in japan though, its as if the students feel the best years of their lives are over. its really kind of funny actually. but at the same time, when i look at my students, who live on this tiny island of 7000 people and have grown up together, been to school together their entire lives, i can understand the tears. its time to begin living in big japan. and that, i admit, can be scary.
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Thursday, March 01, 2007
10:40 PM
icelandic hafdis huld produces some beautiful sounds: ski jumper, tomoko, it's great. plus, she's super cute.
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