Friday, March 16, 2007
9:21 AM
makes me nuts sometimes. in particular, when i am being outrightly taken advantage of, used, and basically given an air kick in the rear end. in a nutshell, there was an english haiku poetry contest throughout japanese high schools. kids were asked to write a haiku prose in japanese, then translate it into english to be then submitted to a board of judges. my co-worker, let's call him Toe, asked me to help him out. i obviously obliged and took on the challenge wholeheartedly.
basically, i worked for a month correcting, translating, and fixing up a few hundred poems. when they were submitted, i felt confident we would have some winners, as there were some quality pieces in there. sure enough, out of the whole country of japan, there were 11 winners. THREE of them were from this school. let me remind you, that this school is the smallest school in the prefecture, and one of the smallest schools in japan. as well, it is very far from being academic and would be considered low-level.
so.... flash forward to monday. i'm sitting at my desk typing away at this little gem that i type on right now. i sense commotion in the hallways, step outside, and find a TV camera, three reporters, the three winners, Toe, the vice-principal and the principal sitting in a room doing an interview. speeches, awards, flashes, video.. the works. i am confused, slightly dumbfounded. why hasn't anyone told me about this? what is going on here? Toe comes in afterwards and apologizes, saying that the vice-principal didn't want me there. he also neglected to tell me that he won teacher of the year or some bullshit, has been published in five newspapers throughout japan, and won an electronic dictionary and airplane vouchers. and i hate to say it and toot my own horn, but the truth of the matter is that none of this would even exist had i not put my poetic brain to work. so its fucked. and i hate this job more than ever now. i do not like being taken advantage of in this way. and i have a funny feeling that the fact that i am female, and white, has something to do with it. as samantha in sex and the city once said: "shit, motherfucker, fuck, shit." sorry. that was dirty. but it felt good.
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